Whimsical florist | Hunter Valley, NSW


Hi There

I’m Tiff, the owner and creative at Noah & the Fox.

There is nothing more magical and no greater thrill or privilege than bringing someone’s beautiful floral vision to life on their wedding day.

I adore meeting couples, hearing their love stories and delivering the most whimsical, romantic floral arrangements to celebrate their day.

Our Services

  • We offer an a-la-carte floral service, for weddings big and small.

    Helping to bring your vision to life on your special day.

  • We also cater to your needs for any event to style the day just the way you envision.

We have a fixed $250 deposit to secure your date.

“The dedication and time that Tiffany and her team put into our wedding is mind-blowing, the quality of her products is out of this world and her service is exceptional…”

– Isacc James O’Hara-Sanderson

“We are so glad we left it in your capable hands, they came out better than I ever could have imagined. You were such a dream to work with, there was never any stress or worries and everything came together perfectly…”

– Hannah & Phil